Casting Comedy: Northern Legends Exhibition

20th July 2024 - 3rd November 2024

Icon Marker Large Lancaster
Casting Comedy: Northern Legends, by Graham Ibbeson

This exhibition marks the 25th Anniversary of the unveiling of our treasured Eric Morecambe statue on Morecambe Promenade. Visitors to Lancaster City Museum can see the original sculpture that served as the model for the much-loved statue, displayed alongside fellow northern comedy legends.

As well as Eric, there's a sculpture of Laurel and Hardy, a life-size portrait of Ken Dodd, and the working model of the Victoria Wood statue. All four comedians performed in Morecambe in their heydays and were later magnificently sculpted by Graham Ibbeson, the ‘peoples’ sculptor’.

The bronze version of the Eric Morecambe statue, which weighs a third of a tonne, was unveiled by Queen Elizabeth II on Morecambe Promenade 25 years ago in July 1999. It cost £40,000 and was funded through public subscription by the community of Morecambe to honour a local comedy hero, born in Buxton Street in 1926.

Show Times

  • Open 10:30am - 4pm every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday until 3rd November.


  • FREE admission - donations welcome!


  • This exhibition is on the ground floor of the museum, which is fully accessible with a ramp to the right of the main entrance.

Social Media


  • Lancaster City Museum, Market Square, Lancaster, LA1 1HT

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