Have Fun and Stay Safe in Morecambe Bay

Morecambe Bay is a beautiful place to visit, but to enjoy it to its best advantage it is necessary to take some precautions.

The quickly flowing and ebbing tides cause constant changes to the sands and gullies underfoot, and parts of the bay can find themselves very rapidly underwater.

Morecambe Bay Tidal Safety

Watch the following video, filmed and compiled by Purple Videos in conjunction with Bay Search and Rescue, to find out more about how you can enjoy Morecambe Bay safely:

For emergency help phone 999 for The Coastguard. 

Find out more about Bay Search & Rescue and how this dedicated team with its fleet of specialist vehicles has been providing essential life-saving services in the bay since 1999.

  • Video produced by Purple Videos

    • In conjunction with Silverdale Parish Council, Bay Search and Rescue and Lancaster City Council

  • Funded by the Welcome Back Fund from the European Regional Development Fund and HM Government, administered by Lancaster City Council

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