Heysham Heritage Centre

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Heysham Heritage Centre houses all of Heysham's fascinating history, superbly captured in its displays and exhibitions.

This 17th-Century longhouse (cottage and barn) is an unusual example of surviving 17th-Century village architecture. In the 20th Century, the longhouse was converted into a cottage and two lock up shops, No. 22, 24, 26 Main St. The Heritage Trust for the North West acquired the two lock up shops in 1999, and converted them, with grant aid from many organisations and individuals, to form a small Heritage Centre for Heysham Village.

Open hours may vary - please check the website for details.

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Opening Hours

  • The Heritage Centre is open Easter until early December, but at the moment there are no regular hours.
  • Please see the Heysham Heritage Centre website which is regularly updated with planned opening times for the coming days: https://heyshamheritage.org.uk/news/opening/


  • Free admission

Social Media

Icon Marker Large Main Street, Heysham, LA3 2RW
Google Map of Heysham Heritage Centre

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