The Georgian & Regency Tour of Lancaster

Icon Marker Large Lancaster

The year is 1803. King George III has never visited his Duchy of Lancaster but do not let that stop YOU. Lancaster is a town bustling with inns, a busy port and the summer assizes...but it's also 'the hanging town.'

Amidst an air of classical respectability, this is a town with sinister origins and its own criminal underworld.

Explore Lancaster as it enters the modern age but beware coachmen of ill repute.

Meet 'Johnny' Eccleston, coachman of the 'Perseverance' and your guide.

Georgian & Regency Tours of Lancaster will run on the first Saturday of each month at 10.30am & 12.30pm, (prebooking required), with private pre-bookings available on other days. 

Family Tour

Opening Hours

  • Georgian & Regency Tours of Lancaster will run on the first Saturday of each month at 10.30am & 12.30pm.


  • £9 - £10
Icon Marker Large Various venues, Lancaster, LA1 1AL

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