Iron Press

Iron Press Printmaking is an Open Access print studio available to anyone interested in printmaking.
It is a resource for experienced printmakers and a place for interested beginners to learn a range of printmaking skills. It will accommodate up to eight people daily, so booking studio time is essential.
The disciplines on offer are:
Lino cutting, Wood cutting, Wood engraving, Etching, Monoprinting, Collagraph, Carborundum, Drypoint.
Studio Usage:
Everyone is required to go through an Induction Programme. This will familiarise you with the facilities, how the studio operates, as well as the Health and Safety procedures that apply.
Inductions last for 2 hours, and take place on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings.
You can become a Member. This entitles you to a reduction in your hourly studio rate. You have Open Access to the studio all week (excluding workshop days). Booking studio time is required, as there is a maximum capacity of 8 people in the studio.
One and two-day workshops will be a regular part of the timetable, offering the opportunity to develop skills in individual disciplines. The workshops will cater for beginners, as well as improvers and experienced printmakers, wishing to develop their skills.
You are not required to go through an Induction Programme to attend one of our workshops.
One to One tuition is available, and can be arranged at your convenience.
5 Day Block Membership:
This covers the cost of Open Access for 5 days - the hourly fee is included. Days do not have to be taken consecutively, but still need to be booked.
How to Book and Pay:
Bookings can be made over the phone(07521 950908) or online.